A Designer’s Opinion on Canva

Canva Created

I get it—as a trained graphic and website designer there is a major love/hate stigma that comes with using anything other than Adobe products. I was at a conference once and I mentioned that I created templates for clients in Canva and I could feel the daggers coming out of my fellow (and apparently superior) designers. I skipped out on dinner that night out of sheer annoyance.

With over a decade of experience in the design industry, I was well-versed in the art of creating stunning visuals using Adobe's powerful suite of tools. From Photoshop to Illustrator, InDesign to After Effects, there was no design challenge I turned away…except when I was asked to design in Canva.

However, as the years passed, the Canva requests did not go away, but increased. Clients, both past and new, started asking, "Can you create this in Canva?"

Canva? The mere mention of the name made me feel like I was less than the other, cooler designers (like those at the conference who went to a swanky restaurant while I ate ShakeShack in my bed watching Friends reruns). How could this simplistic online platform Adobe's professional software? Using anything less than the industry-standard tools seems like cheating. Yet, the requests persisted, and curiosity got the best of me.

With a mix of skepticism and intrigue (and one persistent client—the client gets what the client wants, right?), I decided to give Canva a try. Simply dip a toe into the waters. "What's the worst that could happen?" Basically how any great love affair starts.

As Canva revealed all it offered, a whole new world of design possibilities unfurled before my eyes. Here’s where I stand:



As with any trend, opinions on Canva are sharply divided. Some designers dismiss it as a cheap and amateurish tool, while others see it as a practical solution for certain design needs. It's clear that the Canva debate is heating up the design community, leaving designers firmly entrenched on one side or the other. But is it really as black and white as it seems?



First and foremost, let's address the elephant in the room - is Canva a threat to graphic designers? The short answer is no! Canva is just a tool, a means to an end. Using Canva doesn't suddenly make someone a skilled designer any more than using a hammer makes you a carpenter. True expertise comes from a deep understanding of design principles and creative flair.

In fact, good design can never be replaced by a tool. Design software, whether it's Adobe Creative Suite or Canva, can aid the process, but the brilliance behind the design lies with the designer. Creativity and ingenuity can't be automated or replicated by software.



Rather than viewing Canva as a competitor, why not embrace its unique features? Canva is accessible to non-designers, allowing them to make simple edits and customizations with ease. This presents a fantastic opportunity for graphic designers to offer their services in creating Canva templates for clients.

By designing templates that clients can edit themselves, designers cater to those who prefer a hands-on approach without compromising on quality. Social media images, website graphics, email newsletter headers, and more - the possibilities for Canva design services are endless! And let's face it, it's far better to have clients excited about the design process than intimidated by it.



Creativity can take unexpected turns, and designers have reported finding inspiration from Canva's templates. The simplicity and limitations of the tool can spark imaginative ideas and encourage designers to think outside the box. So, next time you're feeling stuck, take a quick peek at Canva for a dose of creative inspiration.



Of course, Canva is not without its limitations. It can't replace more robust and professional image editing software like Photoshop. However, it serves a specific purpose and excels in accessible, user-friendly design.

So, to sum it up, Canva is not a threat, but an opportunity for designers to explore new avenues and expand their services. Your unique talent and creativity will always set you apart from the crowd.



And there you have it! The Canva debate may continue to rage on, but hopefully this blog post has shed some light on the topic. As a graphic designer, you have the power to leverage Canva's accessibility and even find inspiration in its simplicity. So, why not embrace the world of Canva and let your creativity soar to new heights?

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Do you use Canva? How do you feel about it? Is it a friend or foe in your design journey? Remember, creativity knows no bounds, and Canva is just one more tool in your arsenal of design greatness. So go forth, create, and make your mark on the world of design!